Monday, 5 November 2012

Zombie land.

Daisy Moore
Opening sequence to zombie land.

My first thoughts of this opening scene is that this film is going to be mainly aimed towards men, I also picked up on the fact that it was a comedy as the voice over was being very humorous.

The first thing we see was the American flag and this easily shows were the film is set but the fact the camera is turned upside down could resemble everyone’s worlds being turned upside down. We see a hand held camera being used straight away and this also very easily resembles the film being based on one person’s journey and perspective of what is happening, it also shows some sort of scared and worried feelings, in some ways it resembles peoples emotion. Then we see a zombie jump out of the camera and chase the person with the hand held camera, we also see the zombie eat the person with the hand held camera. In my opinion this bring you in to the film it makes you feel like you are the person running away and this matches the man in the voice over who we will hear give you instructions and rules, this sort of seems like you are going through this experience in the movie.

The voice over which is giving you instructions is very humorous such as ‘poor fat bastard’ and also ‘this lady could've avoided being a human happy meal’ this shows straight away that the film is going to be a comedy. The commentary lets you understand what going on; it gives you an introduction to what’s happening in the film.

The music we hear in the first part of the opening sequence isn't that loud because we focus more on what happening plus most  noises such as the zombies are louder than the music this emphasises them. They are purposely made louder and we are more aware on what happening because of this, the things which are louder include the zombies, the car crashes and even the guns shots. The music changes when the credits start rolling in, it turns into to a very rocky, edgy sounds this represents action. It is also a very masculine sound in my opinion.

Going on to the credits we see a number of scenes put together, in these sense which are very manly, this shows to me that this film is probably a very manly film and it is aimed mostly to a male audience. I feel this due to the short clips that include blood squirting out of a zombies mouth, a woman running in slow motion, an explosions, a naked woman running, a car garage, men in suits, a fire station, guns and also cars. These are all what usually appeal to men.

In one of the scenes used I noticed a black mail character getting chased by a white male zombie, this is very stereotypical, this is because black people are often used in a negative light, they are usually represented as cowardly and incompetent.

Another thing about the credits is the font that is used is red and when someone touches it, it very easily falls down, the red connotes blood and this can show the gore which will be shown in this film, the fact that it easily falls down can show the action and fight which will occur in this film. 

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